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red dragon造句

"red dragon"是什么意思  
  • I took the restrictor plate off , give the red dragon a little more juice
  • Then the red dragon will revert to its true habits and struggle to tear itself to pieces
  • The red dragon is the traditional symbol of wales and appears on the welsh national flag
  • Red dragon can fly up and attack nearby enemy with 1 , 5 times more powerful attack without receiving retaliation
    红龙会飞起来并攻击目标附近的敌军,造成1 . 5倍攻击,并且不会被反击。
  • 3 then another sign appeared in heaven : an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on his heads
  • Our little garden will be stocked again with foreign seed , and the red dragon will pine away at the far end of the pool
  • And there appeared another wonder in heaven ; and behold a great red dragon , having seven heads and ten horns , and seven crowns upon his heads
  • Then another sign appeared in heaven : and behold , a great red dragon having seven heads and ten horns , and on his heads were seven diadems
    启12 : 3天上又现出异象来有一条大红龙、七头十角、七头上戴著七个冠冕。
  • And there appeared another wonder in heaven ; and behold a great red dragon , having seven heads and ten horns , and seven crowns upon his heads
  • And another sign was seen in heaven ; and behold , there was a great red dragon , having seven heads and ten horns , and on his heads seven diadems
  • It's difficult to see red dragon in a sentence. 用red dragon造句挺难的
  • We are true internationalists . like china wales is a land of the dragon - my departmental crest bears the legend the red dragon leads the way
    和中国一样,威尔士也是一片的土地- -在我的官饰上就隐含有古老的意义: “赤指引我们前进。 ”
  • Rev . 12 : 3 and another sign was seen in heaven ; and behold , there was a great red dragon , having seven heads and ten horns , and on his heads seven diadems
  • I did take out the sword then killed red dragon , and i upgraded 1 level from lv16 to lv17 after the dragon , but it is still a cursed sword . . . seems not working to me
    我有拿出剑接着杀死红龙,红龙后我由16级到17级提升1级,但它仍然是诅咒的剑. . .以我看来这不行。
  • The red dragon needs that little princess to be the sacrificial nutrient for his son ( still a baby dragon in a crystal ball ) . that little prince want to save his love , he is challenging the monster to duel , with pencil , haha : p
    画面中您可以看到红龙需要小公主作为唤醒他那仍在水晶球中沉睡的儿子的祭品,为了拯救公主,王子必须打败红龙,而他使用的武器就是? ?铅笔,哈哈,非常搞笑。
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